Abstract Submission
The call for poster contributions will be open from March 15th to May 8th 2023. We particularly encourage PhD students and post-doctoral researchers, but the call is of course open to any team working on the themes of the conference. A poster session will take place on Monday July 10th afternoon and the posters will stay displayed through the whole duration of the conference. There will be a limitation of one submission per participant due to available space. The poster should be of A0 portait format !! Please prepare your abstract for submission on one single page, using the template here and save the file in pdf format before uploading it. Please name the pdf file by Firstname_Familyname.pdf according to the presenting author, then submit it through the page "My submissions". Please choose one topic among the six proposed for poster contributions: Laboratory atomic data Theory and calculations Astrophysical plasmas Laboratory plasmas and experiments Fusion plasmas Databases and data assessement The deadline of submission has been extended to May 15th 2023 ! Second extension of the submission deadline: to May 30th 2023 !!
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